Fulton Schools of Engineering

Learning and Teaching Hub

The Learning and Teaching Hub is a dedicated Engineering faculty resource for ongoing professional development and communities of practice, instructional consultation and coaching, collaborative learning development, and effective use of learning technology and analytics. Explore the links below to access helpful resources and information.

Professional Learning Opportunities

Learn a new instructional strategy in one of our upcoming faculty workshops.

Quick References Guide

Solve your teaching challenges with ideas from the Quick Reference Guide library.

Learning Technology

Check out the wide variety of tools available to faculty to improve courses and increase interactivity.


Appointment times are available at two different campuses to help you record and produce your video.

Innovation in Video

Explore different ways you can engage your students with video.

Learning Design

Check out the wide variety of tools available to faculty to improve courses and increase interactivity.

News and Events

  • Two Years of LTH Book Studies: 12 Essential Takeaways
    Over the past two years, the FSE Learning and Teaching Hub has hosted professional book studies every semester. These studies reflect a learner-centered approach, fostering collaborative knowledge construction among members. Participants have had the chance to experiment with small-scale instructional…
  • Reflective and Iterative Teaching: Insights from Keith Hjelmstad
    Keith Hjelmstad’s keynote presentation at the Fulton Schools of Engineering Education Seminar (SEEdS) social event delved into the power of reflective and iterative teaching at the end of the spring semester. He highlighted two critical perspectives: improving teaching methods and encouraging…
  • AI Innovation Challenge Projects: Fulton Highlight
    Arizona State University recently showcased the overwhelming response to its AI Innovation Challenge, receiving over 175 proposals from staff and faculty to use ChatGPT Enterprise accounts. These projects are across diverse university contexts and initiatives.  The Fulton Schools of Engineering (FSE) had 18 proposals accepted,…
  • Future of Learning Community (FOLC) Fest
    The inaugural Future of Learning Community (FOLC) Fest at Arizona State University was a two-day event attended by over 1,000 faculty, staff, and students. The community gathered to explore how ASU can fulfill its Charter commitment to making education accessible to all students…