In a recent article highlighting his new role as a member of the CourseGateway Governance Board, Peter van Leusen stated how the rapid growth of Fulton’s engineering programs has presented unique challenges and initiatives for personalized learning at scale. In this new board role, van Leusen will contribute his experience in identifying practices and technology solutions that can serve the most students.


van Leusen headshot photo

Peter van Leusen, Director of Digital Learning Initiatives

Just throwing technology into the classroom will not guarantee that students will be able to use it. We assume students today are all digital natives, but that doesn’t mean they know how to use technology for education.

Graphic image of a computer with an e-text book, video icon, and multiple choice questions.


van Leusen says that he would like to see organizations, like CourseGateway, not only create processes for evaluating courseware, but also create best practices for faculty to integrate into learning experiences. According to CourseGateway’s glossary, courseware is instructional content that is scoped and sequenced to support the delivery of an entire course through software built for educational purposes, such as electronic texts with videos, interactives, and both formative and summative assessments.

Considering ASU’s Charter and the FSE Values, utilizing courseware is one option for expanding the accessibility of course materials, providing personalized learning opportunities, enhancing data-driven insights into learner activities, and also sharing digital resources across instructors and courses. Examples of courseware used in Fulton courses are zyBooks, Pearson MyLabs, or Labster, which can all be customized to meet instructor and specific content needs.


Read the full article here.