RISE Kick-off
Workshop Objectives: This kick-off workshop will overview faculty instructional resources, several active learning strategies for your engineering courses, and the teaching ‘nuts and bolts’ to get you started in your role (e.g., student accommodations, academic integrity). You will also have the opportunity to ask our team and engineering faculty teaching leads any questions about getting started for the fall. Please plan to bring your laptop to the workshop.
Register here and complete our pre-survey questions by 8/9 to attend.
RISE Series Overview: FSE Research-based Instructional Strategies in Engineering (RISE) is a year-long program designed to offer actionable instructional ideas specific to teaching and learning in engineering courses. RISE is open to all faculty and instructors in the Fulton Schools and provides a coordinated set of workshops, discussions, mentoring, and certification, all in a community of practice model of learning and collaboration.