Meet Jake Burton

Jake Burton


What I Do

My name is Jake Wu Burton, and I’m a Multimedia Designer at ASU Learning and Teaching Hub. I design visual graphics, motion graphic videos, and edit ASU Fulton courses to improve student engagement. 

What I Did

I worked as a Multimedia Designer for ASU Laboratory for Energy And Power Solutions (LEAPS) for more than 2 years developing brand materials, visual interactive courses, and custom graphics for video lectures.

What I Studied

I received my BS in Graphics Information Technology in 2022 with a focus in graphic design, 3D animation, and video editing.

What I Like

I’m a huge foodie at heart, who both enjoy cooking and eating amazing foods. My favorite dish to cook is chicken pot pie and the dish that I can eat for the rest of my life is sushi. Outside of food, I love socializing with my friends and planning adventures to explore the hidden gems around AZ. When I’m feeling some self-care time, I enjoy putting on a face mask, playing video games and catching up with the latest anime that suits my interest.

Favorite FSE Value

Favorite FSE Value

Encourage bold thinking! As a graphic designer, we are always pushing the boundaries of visual communication. Encouraging bold thinking is what leads to stronger and more innovative ideas. This means not only ideas from a graphic design standpoint but from all standpoints within the ASU community such as learning designers, directors, students, and etc.