Meet Dustin Hampton

Dustin Hampton

 Instructional Technology Analyst SR.

What I Do

The majority of my efforts go to supporting our online students. I lead our lecture capture team, and support our classrooms that are outfitted with recording equipment. I also support our green screen studios where we record content for online classes. I also developed what we call the Self Service Studio which is a small green screen studio where faculty can record themselves in high quality with little to no training. I also do the majority of the live streams for engineering events around campus to give our online students a way to attend on campus functions remotely

What I Did

Before joining the LTH team I worked for the Decision Theater at ASU which brought policy decision makers into a virtual reality environment to visualize complex problems. While there, I managed the AV systems and developed multimedia content for a wide range of projects. I left ASU for a couple of years and during that time I worked for VirTra Systems where I installed simulators for military and law enforcement customers, and trained them how to operate the systems to achieve their training goals. I also worked for Axon Sports in Scottsdale, where I set-up and managed all of the office systems, and developed video based training simulations for college and pro level athletes.

What I Studied

I completed my Bachelors of Arts in Multimedia at the University of Advancing Technology in Tempe, Arizona, with a major in digital video production.

What I Like

My favorite thing to do is drive 4x4s off-road.

Favorite FSE Value

Favorite FSE Value

Cultivate excellence! To me cultivating excellence is important because it drives personal growth which leads to success. It also inspires others and fosters a mindset of continuous improvement. By striving for excellence, everyone at ASU and the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering can achieve extraordinary results and make a positive impact in their area.