Meet Dustin Hampton
Dustin Hampton
What I Do
As a System Support Analyst, I work with cameras, AV systems, and IT support. I’m a Blackboard administrator, and I assist in all aspects of the delivery of engineering online courses. I manage several lecture capture classroom studios on the Tempe Campus. I also provide technical support for online engineering students and faculty. I live stream many engineering events around campus to give our online students a way to attend on campus functions remotely.
What I Did
Before joining the GOEE team I worked for the Decision Theater at ASU which brought policy decision makers into a virtual reality environment to visualize complex problems. While there, I managed the AV systems and worked on projects for a variety of clients. I left ASU for a couple of years. During that time I worked for VirTra Systems where I installed simulators for military and law enforcement training. I also worked for Axon Sports, where I made videos used to train college and pro level athletes.
What I Studied
I completed my BA in Multimedia at the University of Advancing Technology in Tempe, Arizona, with a major in digital video production, and a minor in web development.
What I Like
I’ve been into computers since I was 13, and have built most of the computers I’ve owned the last 15 years. While I was studying video production in college, I also found a passion for photography and my photos have been published in just about every print and digital medium that exists (even a billboard). I like to play with technology gadgets and I’m excited to see what comes of the emerging consumer virtual reality market.